The money changer accepts no responsibility for the customer's failure to comply with any country's or territory's currency controls. 对顾客没有遵从任何国家或地区有关货币管制的规定一事,货币兑换商不承担任何责任。
Ever wonder how a money changer machine knows if you've given it a one, a five or a ten dollar bill? 有想过货币兑换机器如何知道你放入的是货币是一元、五元或者是十元的钞票呢?
Airport money changer concession 机场货币兑换特许经营权
In recent weeks, the local media reported prominently the unedifying spectacles of a Singaporean money changer allegedly cheating hundreds of Chinese workers of their hard-earned savings here. 最近,本地媒体显著的报道了一名新加坡钱币兑换商,被控欺骗数以百计的中国客工辛苦工作存下来的血汗钱的新闻。
The money changer made him feel professional. 这个荷包让他觉得自己很专业。